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Alumni Reunion 2024

Over 150 ICFOnians gather to share “the ICFO Story”

April 30, 2024

Back in 2016, ICFO formally launched its Alumni Network in order to provide a platform and institutionally backed structure allowing ICFOnians to maintain common ties, support personal and professional relationships as well as common interests and goals. We held our first Alumni Reunion in September of that year, bringing together over 80 ICFOnians from around the world who celebrated the kick-off event with talks about science and innovation, and reconnected through networking session where all could share experiences and perspectives.

In planning the 2nd Alumni Reunion, celebrated on April 26th, it was agreed that the reunion program should simply focus on the individual stories told by ICFOnians about their ICFO-related adventures which, when strung together, recounted “the ICFO Story”.  This simple and effective strategy created an event that allowed all present to focus on some of the key moments and achievements that make ICFO a leading research center as well as a supportive community strengthened by the diverse contributions of each member.

A heartfelt thank you to the 150+ ICFOnians who took part in the reunion activities, and to the 2000+ ICFOnians whose unique stories, over the past 22 years, have  impacted the institute. With each year and each new ICFOnian that enters or “goes and flies” into a new adventure, the institute grows and flies, expanding its reach, amplifying what it can do, empowering our extended community to make a positive mark on the world.